This is a film production company based in London UK working worldwide focus to produce independent documentaries and short films.


A former police officer recounts the details and recalls the reasons why he committed more than twenty murders during Pablo Escobar's time.
The dramatic and action tale of a former Colombian policeman with a dark and tragic past, who fought his own war against Pablo Escobar’s sicarios.
The story explores the challenges of life in a world overrun by criminals and murderers. Over time, the character changes due to constant exposure to death, and he did anything to survive.
We, embarked on a new international production in Colombia, It is a docudrama based on an autobiographical book called With death on the back (2006) by Ernesto Villalba.
Villalba's Murders

About Us
We are a Diversity team with different personalities and interests, but sharing the same values and commitment to each project.
Our mission is to produce creative and professional audio-visual products.
From an idea to a screen, we develop every step of the production creating engaging, innovative, and effective content.
We like to develop ideas and grow together, working closely with our partners.
We would like to know you and your ideas. Our creative team is waiting!

Call us on+44(0)799 907 1178, or send us an email: kayin917@hotmail.com